LaVale Civic Improvement Association, Inc.
Wayne Foster, President - Brad Metzger, Vice-President - Ellen Swan, Treasurer - Tina Midgarden, Secretary - Dan Rose, Webmaster

This page is intended to address LaVale's persistent problems. Flooding and road damage are just two prime examples. While we may not be able to immediately remedy these problems we can use this page to organize and direct our concerns.

On this page we will identify problems as well as list organizations that address these concerns.

We welcome and encourage resident's comments and suggestions. If you would like to inform us of a problem or of a solution please email:  lcia21502@gmail.com

Paragraphs and photographs will be posted a space permits.

Thank you for your assistance in improving life in LaVale.

Listed below are helpful organizations and contacts. To view photgraphs click here.

Water Management

Braddock Run Watershed Association
                             (Submitted by The Braddock Run Watershed Association)
The Braddock Run Watershed Association is a volunteer group serving LaVale and the area surrounding Braddock Run and its tributary streams.

The BRWA is dedicated to preserving and restoring the run and its tributaries, which flow into Wills Creeks, the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay.

Education, involvement and change are three of the group's primary focuses for improving the wellbeing of the area and its inhabitants. The association's vision for the future is to conserve and restore the watershed for present and future generations.

The group is attempting to address various challenges to the watershed and Braddock Run, which has been channeled and altered over the last 100 years.

The Hoffman Drainage Tunnel, near Clarysville, adds mine drainage with its significant flow to Braddock Run and emits iron and manganese in the process.

Stream bank erosion, flooding and water quality are all issues that have plagued the area for many years. The watershed group has the challenge of improving and hopefully reversing these conditions.

Comments, suggestions and citizen involvement are all welcome.

The association meets on the fourth Monday of each month at the LaVale Baptist Church Pavilion in a combined meeting with the LaVale Civic Improvement Association. Meetings start at 7:00 p.m. and typically conclude within an hour.

Contact information:
Braddock Run Watershed Association P.O. Box 3001 LaVale, MD 21504-3001

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